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Churches Planting Churches

You will learn why and how to plant daughter churches. The course is 1/2 live taught on weekly zoom and uses 1/2 pre-recorded videos you watch on your own.

Director: Toni Haskell msthaskell@gmail.com

Hybrid Academy

Tuesdays May 7,14,21,28

4:30-7 pm PT

5:30-8 pm MT

6:30-9 pm CT

7:30-10 pm ET

Entrenador certificado

Este curso lo certificará para capacitar a otros con materiales DCPI. Debe haber completado al menos una ruta de capacitación antes de este curso y también haber plantado una iglesia. La instrucción se llevará a cabo en vivo por zoom durante 2 semanas consecutivas.

Director: Francisco Juarbe fjuarbe@dcpi.org

Seminario web en vivo en zoom

Thursdays May 9 & 16
7-9 pm ET

Church Planting Essentials Academy English, French & Spanish

Learn the essential phases of a church plant in this training. Course requirements include watching the 5 hour training instruction on your own as well as participating in a weekly zoom cohort with a coach. Weekly time commitment is 2 hours. The final project is to create a vision plan timeline for your church plant.

Director: Janice Fricke jfricke@dcpi.org

Online Academy with weekly zoom cohort
Zoom meets Tuesdays May 21-June 18
7-8 pm Eastern

6-7 pm CT

Dinámica Saludable de la Iglesia Texas

Evalúe los sistemas de su iglesia mientras se prepara para multiplicarse. Esta es una valiosa herramienta de capacitación para iglesias nuevas o existentes. Esta capacitación se lleva a cabo en un campamento de la iglesia a 1 hora de Houston y se proporciona alojamiento y comidas con su tarifa de inscripción de $100.

Director: Fernando Jimenez fjimenez@nacogop.org

Live training at La Grange TX church camp
July 11-13

Th noon-5

Fri 8-8

Sat 8-noon

Healthy Church Dynamics Academy Training Texas

Examine and assess the systems of your church. This training meets at a church camp location 1 hour from Houston with lodging and meals provided with your $100 registration fee.

Director: Fernando Jimenez fjimenez@nacogop.org

Live training at La Grange TX church camp
July 11-13

Th noon-5

Fri 8-8

Sat 8-noon

Church Planting Essentials Academy

Learn the essential phases of a church plant in this training. Course requirements include watching the 6.5 hour training instruction on your own as well as participating in a weekly zoom cohort with a coach over 5 weeks. Weekly time commitment is 2 hours. The final project is to create a vision plan timeline for your church plant.

Director: Jeff Skinner jskinner@dcpi.org

Online Academy with weekly zoom cohort
Wednesdays Sep 4- Oct 2
weekly zoom time Wednesdays
3 pm ET

2 pm CT

12 pm PT

Dinámica Saludable de la Iglesia Live training

Evalúe los sistemas de su iglesia mientras se prepara para multiplicarse. Esta es una valiosa herramienta de capacitación para iglesias nuevas o existentes.

Director: Franciso Juarbe at fjuarbe@dcpi.org

Live in Phoenix AZ
April 19-20

8-5 both days

HCP Academy

Learn the essentials of the great commission including sharing your faith, planting a house church or micro-church. This course meets weekly on zoom with a trained coach and a cohort. The 3 hours of pre-recorded training instruction can be viewed once you register. It is necessary to have good internet access for this course.

Director: Jay Devers email: jdevers@dcpi.org

Online Academy with weekly zoom cohort
TBA in future

NexGen Challenge

Online Training Webinar

This training webinar challenges the next generation of church planters through a concise training challenging them to carry the baton of the Great Commission. This training is currently closed.

To be announced in future. Registration closed for this training

Capacitacion Multiplicacion de Discipulos Florida

Aprenda lo esencial de la gran comisión, incluida la plantación de una iglesia doméstica o una microiglesia.

Director: Francisco Juarbe fjuarbe@dcpi.org

Live training

1060 W Busch Blvd

Tampa Bay Florida

Date TBD

8:30 am-12:30 pm

Certified Trainer Academy

This course will certify you to train others with DCPI materials. You must have completed at least one training track prior to this course as well as been involved with a church plant. The instruction is taken online on academy and you will meet with a coach group 4 one hour weekly on zooms. More information: jfricke@dcpi.org

Online Academy and weekly zoom cohort

Weekly Zoom

Thursdays Sep 5,12,19,26

8 pm ET

7 pm CT

6 pm MT

5 pm PT

Church Planting Essentials Training French/ English Maine

Learn the essential phases of a church plant in this training. This 3 day training will include live training instruction and time to process your own implementation plan during the training.

Director: Gary & Smith Register at churchplanting@alliancenewengland.org

Live on location training event
in Portland Maine
Nov 7-9, 2024

5:30-9 pm Th/Fri

8-6 Saturday

Fundamentos de Plantación de Iglesias

Aprenda las fases esenciales de la plantación de una iglesia en esta capacitación. Los requisitos del curso incluyen ver la capacitación de 5 horas por su cuenta, así como participar en una sesión semanal de Zoom con un entrenador. El compromiso de tiempo semanal es de 2 horas. El proyecto final es crear un cronograma de plan de visión para la plantación de su iglesia.

Director: Francisco Juarbe fjuarbe@dcpi.org

Instrucción en video de la Academia en línea con una cohorte semanal de zoom
Zoom meets Tuesdays Nov 12,19,26, Dec 3, 10
7-8 pm Eastern

6-7 pm CT

5-6 pm MT

4-5 pm PT

Church Planting Essentials Live Training Vermont

Learn the essential phases of a church plant in this training. This 3 day training will include live training instruction and time to process your own implementation plan during the training.

Director: Gary & Sue Smith churchplanting@alliancenewengland.org

Live on location 3 day training event
in East Barre, Vermont
Nov 14-16, 2024
8-5 daily

Alliance New England

Healthy Church Dynamics Training New York

Examine and assess the systems of your church. This training meets live in Poughkeepsie NY

Director: Leroy & Christina Greenaway ladygreenaway@verizon.net

Live training at Redeemed Christian Fellowship Church of God of Prophecy in Poughkeepsie NY

100 Cannon Street

November 21-23 ,2024

Thurs 7-9 pm

Friday & Saturday


Healthy Church Dynamics Training Iowa

Examine and assess the systems of your church. This training helps you deal with discouragement, difficult people and time demands as well.

Director: Benjamin Wright at bew003@gmail.com

Live training at Heartland Church Ankeny Iowa
December 10-12

Dec 10 10-4

Dec 11 8:30-4

Dec 12 8:30-1

Healthy Church Dynamics Academy

Examine and assess the systems of your church. This course meets one hour weekly on zoom with a trained coach and a cohort. All 10 hours of training instruction is on Academy which you can watch on your own. Once you register you are admitted to the Academy platform where you can watch the course.

Director: Jason & Alisha Gratehouse jagratehouse@dcpi.org

Online Academy with weekly zoom cohort

Weekly Zoom Thursdays

Feb 6,13,20,27,March 6,13

7pm ET

6pm CT

5pm MT

4pm PT

Churches Planting Churches

Healthy churches are the largest untapped resource for planting more healthy churches. This training is about harnessing the power of the mother-daughter relationship by equipping healthy churches to multiply. Every size of church can make a huge impact for the kingdom. Bring new life to your church through practical, proven principles of daughter church planting.

Director: Gary and Sue Smith suelynnsmith2010@gmail.com

Live Training Brewster Mass
Sep 19-21, 2024

Churches Planting Churches

Healthy churches are the largest untapped resource for planting more healthy churches. This training is about harnessing the power of the mother-daughter relationship by equipping healthy churches to multiply. Every size of church can make a huge impact for the kingdom. Bring new life to your church through practical, proven principles of daughter church planting.

Director: Mark Bane at mbane@nazarene.org

Live Training
Church of the Nazarene Watauga, Texas 76148
Sep 20-21, 2024

Dinámica Saludable de la Iglesia San Pablo CA

Evalúe los sistemas de su iglesia mientras se prepara para multiplicarse. Esta es una valiosa herramienta de capacitación para iglesias nuevas o existentes.

Director: Fjuarbe@dcpi.org

Live training at Iglesia Bautista Panamaerican San Pablo CA
Viernes 25 Oct
3-9 pm

Sabado 26 Oct


North American Multi-track Training Vista CA

Enjoy sunny California and North Coast Church campus as you meet other Kingdom multipliers and receive another training track. You can choose 1 of 4 tracks of training in this live training event. Choose from Church Planting Essentials, Churches Planting Churches, Church Planting Movements and Healthy Church Dynamics.

On location in Vista CA

Tues Jan 28 8-5

Wed Jan 29 8-5

Thurs Jan 30 8-noon

North American Trainer Summit Vista CA

Our annual trainer summit will be hosted in Vista CA where we meet to worship, pray, increase vision and plan to multiply in North America. President Scott Kirk along with others will present DCPI vision and goals as we network and work together for the coming year. We will meet Thursday January 30 from 1-5 pm (following the training event) so stay for both! Join us in person or register to receive the zoom link to watch live or receive link following summit.

On location or zoom from Vista CA

January 30 1-5 pm

MCP Academy

This interactive training empowers mentors to recognize what church planters need, identify the four phases of church planting, prepare for the seasons of mentoring and develop skills to powerfully support church planters. 1/2 the training will be live taught on weekly zoom sessions. The other 1/2 is found on our Academy platform.

Director: Janice Fricke jfricke@dcpi.org

Webinar on zoom and Online Academy


CPM Academy

You will learn the 13 Biblical principles of church planting movements, how to receive a vision from God, how to recruit a team and how to organize your movement. This webinar is conducted weekly on zoom.

Director: Janice Fricke jfricke@dcpi.org

Live trained on zoom


Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 1994 with the vision of training leaders in every country of the world to plant dynamic churches to reach the world for Jesus. We offer trainings both live and online, so that hundreds of thousands of men and women called by God can take the Gospel to their tribes, tongues, and nations. We offer 8 tracks of training built upon biblical principles and actionable applications, so DCPI churches are effective and healthy. In 2021, we celebrated 1 MILLION churches!


We send regular updates about what God is doing in our world zone, and we would love to include you! Subscribe below!


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